Right from 1953 when the first of students came to study in Manipal, over a lakh of students have graduated and left the portals of this great University. Memories of the good old days in Manipal are strongly etched in the mind of the alumni. For those who have seen Dr.T.M.A. Pai, the founder, nurture and shape this education hub in the beginning, and for those who have been associated with different institutions affiliated to different universities, and for those others who have been associated with institutions affiliated to Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) since 1993, the years spent on this campus is an unforgettable experience.
Manipal's alumni are all over the globe. And they are not just from medicine and engineering, but from other institutions of the University, which today has over 30, 000 students from 59 countries with off-campus in Mangalore and Bangalore, and off-shore campus in Dubai (UAE) and Melaka (Malaysia). It is the endeavor of the Alumni Relations of MAHE to bring all our Alumni on one platform to create a global group of Manipalites. We at Manipal are working towards creating opportunities to network, share nostalgic moments, help your juniors and be partner in the growth of your Alma Mater.
--Select-- KMC Manipal - Kasturba Medical College, Manipal KMC Mangalore - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore MIT,Manipal - Manipal Institute of Technology,Manipal MSON ,Manipal - Manipal School of Nursing, Manipal MCOPS Manipal - Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal MCODS Manipal - Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal WGSHA,Manipal - Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration, Manipal MCODS Mangalore - Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore MCON ,Manipal - Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal ICAS, Manipal - International Centre for Applied Sciences, Manipal MIC, Manipal - Manipal Institute of Communication,Manipal MMMC, Manipal - Melaka Manipal Medical College,Manipal MSOIS, Manipal - Manipal School of Information Sciences, Manipal MCHP(SOAHS/MCOAHS/COAHS) Manipal - Manipal College of Health Professions Manipal MIM, Manipal - Manipal Institute of Management, Manipal MAHE, Dubai - MAHE Dubai Campus MSOLS, Manipal - Manipal School of Life Sciences, Manipal SORM, Bangalore - School of Regenerative Medicine, Bangalore FOA / MSAP, Manipal - Faculty of Architecture, Manipal PSPH,Manipal - Prasanna School of Public Health,Manipal MIV, Manipal - Manipal Institute of Virology, Manipal SOJM,Manipal - School of Jewellery Management, Manipal KMC-IC, Manipal - KMC International Center (KMC IC), Manipal MSON ,Mangalore - Manipal School of Nursing, Mangalore MSON, Bangalore - Manipal School of Nursing, Bangalore DOS - Department of Statistics DOC - Department of Commerce DGIR - Department of Geopolitics & International Relations DAMP - Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics DAPS - Department of Advanced Pharmaceutical Studies DOS - Department of Sciences DES - Department of European Studies MCPH - Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities DLIS - Department of Library and Information Science DAHS - Department of Allied Hospitality Studies MCNS - Manipal Centre for Natural Sciences DCA - Department of Culinary Arts DOD - Department of Design MCHP, Mangalore - MCHP, Mangalore Campus MCHP, Bengalore - MCHP, Bangalore Campus MSC - Medical Simulation Centre MUBC - Manipal University Bangalore Campus MUBC MCCR - Manipal Centre for Clinical Research GCPAS, Manipal - Gandhian Centre for Philosophical Arts & Sciences Division of Yoga (CIMR), Manipal - Division of Yoga (CIMR), Manipal MAHE Online - MAHE Online MCBR, Manipal - Manipal Centre for Biotherapeutics Research (MCBR)
--Select-- Batch of 1953 Batch of 1954 Batch of 1955 Batch of 1956 Batch of 1957 Batch of 1958 Batch of 1959 Batch of 1960 Batch of 1961 Batch of 1962 Batch of 1963 Batch of 1964 Batch of 1965 Batch of 1966 Batch of 1967 Batch of 1968 Batch of 1969 Batch of 1970 Batch of 1971 Batch of 1972 Batch of 1973 Batch of 1974 Batch of 1975 Batch of 1976 Batch of 1977 Batch of 1978 Batch of 1979 Batch of 1980 Batch of 1981 Batch of 1982 Batch of 1982 (Irregular) Batch of 1982 (Regular) Batch of 1983 Batch of 1983 (Regular) Batch of 1984 Batch of 1984 (Irregular) Batch of 1984 (Regular) Batch of 1985 Batch of 1985 (Irregular) Batch of 1985 (Regular) Batch of 1986 Batch of 1986 (Irregular) Batch of 1986 (Regular) Batch of 1987 Batch of 1987 (Irregular) Batch of 1987 (Regular) Batch of 1988 Batch of 1989 Batch of 1990 Batch of 1991 Batch of 1992 Batch of 1993 Batch of 1994 Batch of 1995 Batch of 1996 Batch of 1997 Batch of 1998 Batch of 1999 Batch of 2000 Batch of 2001 Batch of 2002 Batch of 2003 Batch of 2004 Batch of 2005 Batch of 2006 Batch of 2007 Batch of 2008 Batch of 2009 Batch of 2010 Batch of 2011 Batch of 2012 Batch of 2013 Batch of 2014 Batch of 2015 Batch of 2016 Batch of 2017 Batch of 2018 Batch of 2019 Batch of 2020 Batch of 2021 Batch of 2022 Batch of 2023 Batch of 2024
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